22 December 2024
AAU Organizes an Awareness Lecture: "Domestic Violence: Social Impacts, Prevention, and Treatment"
The Deanship of Student Affairs at our AAU, in collaboration with the Public Security Directorate/Family and Juvenile Protection Department, organized an awareness lecture titled "Domestic Violence: Social Impacts, Prevention, and Treatment" on Sunday, December 22, 2024, in Nizar Qabbani Auditorium. The event aligns with ongoing efforts to raise social awareness among students on critical societal issues affecting daily life.
Dr. Noor Al-Dabbas, Vice Dean of Student Affairs, welcomed the attendees and expressed her gratitude and appreciation to the Public Security Directorate for their fruitful collaboration in presenting this lecture alongside the Family and Juvenile Protection Department. Dr. Al-Dabbas emphasized the importance of addressing this topic to enhance students' social awareness and guide them towards effective prevention and treatment strategies for this significant societal issue.
The lecture aimed to enable students to understand the effects of domestic violence on individuals and society, while providing appropriate prevention and treatment strategies to address this sensitive issue.
The session was presented by Captain Mu'tasim Al-Majali from the Family and Juvenile Protection Department of the Public Security Directorate. He highlighted the legal and social dimensions of domestic violence and methods for addressing it. Additionally, he explained the issues falling under the purview of the Family and Juvenile Protection Department, sharing his expertise and knowledge in the field. The lecture sought to serve as a starting point for increased awareness and active participation in combating this phenomenon while promoting a culture of respect and understanding in society.
At the conclusion of the lecture, Dr. Noor Al-Dabbas presented a university shield to Captain Mu'tasim Al-Majali in recognition of his significant efforts and effective collaboration in raising awareness and educating the community about domestic violence.
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