Prof. Dr. Alaa Mohammad Hourani


Major: Finance and Accounting

Departemnt: Financial Technology Department

Faculty: Business School


Extention: 2205



  • Corporate Finance
  • Advanced Financial Management
  • Advanced Financial Analysis
  • Financial Decision Making
  • Principals of Financial Management
  • Short Term Financial Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Derivatives
  • Business Valuation


Rank University Country Date
Professor Al-Ahlyyia Amman University Jordan 2019
Associate Professor Al-Ahlyyia Amman University Jordan 2011
Assistant Professor Al-Ahlyyia Amman University Jordan 2001


Degree Institute Specialization Country Date
Phd Manchester Business School, UK Finance and Accounting May / 2001
Masters Degree University of Salford, UK Corporate Finance September / 1996
Bachelors Degree Al-Ahliyya Amman University Hospital Administration June / 1994


Job Title Institute Time Period
Chairman of the Department of Finance and Banking, and Associate Professor of Finance AlAhlyyia Amman University September / 2015 - August / 2017
Associate Professor of Finance Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia September / 2013 - August / 2015
Associate Professor of Finance and Chairman of Department of Finance and Banking AlAhlyyia Amman University September / 2008 - August / 2013
Manager Ernst and Young Transaction Advisory Service, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia September / 2006 - August / 2008
Head of Research Department Aman Brokerage Company September / 2005 - August / 2006
Assistant Professor of Finance and Assistant Dean AlAhlyyia Amman University September / 2001 - September / 2005
Accountant Jordan Investment Company June / 1994 - June / 1995


  • The empirical performance of asset pricing models; Cost of equity capital; Real options applications; Financial planning and forecasting; Business Valuation; Capital Markets; Mergers, Acquisitions and Takeovers, Fundamental and Technical analysis


  • Tamara M Rasheed Al-Qaruty, Riyad Neman Darwazeh, Alaa Alhorani, Ahmad Yousef Areiqat (2024) Integrating Digital Technologies in Sustainable Business Models: A Pathway to Resilient Economies Kurdish Studies, 2,12,2024,519-528
  • Ritab Al-Khouri, Fayez Haddad, Ala Al-Horani (2024) Utilizing ESG Communication Strategies to Augment Capital Expenditure in Financially Constrained Firms Kurdish Studies, 2,12,2024,547-558
  • Al-qaruty. T., Alhorani, A., Dabbaghia, M., & Alheet, A. (2022) The impact of ESG strategies integration on the operational and reputational risks: Literature review for the listed insurance companies at Amman Stock Exchange International Journal of Health Sciences, 6,9,2022,1803-1824
  • Al-Sady, D., Dabaghia & Alhorani, A. (2021) Role of Internal Control Components in the Development of External Auditor Performance in Accordance with Coso Decisions: A Field Study on Audit Offices/Bureaus in Gaza Strip Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 25,2,2021,1-18
  • Al-Dwiry, M., Al Shaher, T.a, Al-dweeri, R.M.b, Al-Horani, A (2020) Major factors influencing insurance companies in the middle east Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 24,2, 2020 1-9
  • A.S. Al-Adwan, H Kokash, AA Adwan, A Alhorani, H Yaseen (2020) Building customers in online shopping: the role of online trust, online satisfaction and Electronic Word of Mouth International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 11,3,2020, 278-306
  • Al-Adwan, A., Kokash, H., Adwan, A., Alhorani., & Yaseen, H. (2020) Building customers in online shopping: the role of online trust, online satisfaction and Electronic Word of Mouth. International journal of electronic retailing and marketing, 11,3,2020,278-306
  • Al-Daoud, K., Alhorani, A., Dabaghia, M., Alkhazali, Z., & Altrjman, G. (2020) Corporate Governance in Jordan: Institutional Background and Literature Review International Journal of Management, 11,12,2020,2706-2716
  • Alaa Alhorani (2019) Factors affecting the financial investors’ decision in the adoption of mutual funds Management Science Letter, 9, 13,2019,2269–2276
  • Jamal Ahmed Al-Doori, Alaa Alhorani and Ahmad Yousef Areiqat (2019) The Role of Just in Time, Total Quality Management, and Supply Chain Management toward Better Operational Performance The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 5, 4, 2019,949-956
  • Zaid Mohammad Obeidat, Mohammad Ahmad Al-dwiry, Muhammad Turki Alshurideh, Alaa Mohammad Alhorani (2017) The impact of e-service quality and e-loyalty on online shopping: moderating effect of e-satisfaction and e-trust International Journal of Marketing Studies, 9, 2, 2017,92-103
  • H. Akl-khatib and A. Al-horani (2012) Predicting Financial Distress of Public Companies Listed in Amman Stock Exchange European Scientific Journal, 8,15, 2012,1-17
  • A. Alhorani and F. Haddad (2011) Exploring Investors’ Behavior: Evidence from Amman Stock Exchange Jordan Journal of Business Administration, 7,3,2011,481-493
  • M. Tabieh, J. Suliman and A. Al-Horani (2010) Pricing Mechanism as a Policy Tool for Water by using a Linear Programming Model Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4,8,2010, 1991-8178
  • Tabieh, M., Suliman, J., & Al-Horani, A. (2010) Testing the Relationship between Abnormal Returns and Non-interest Earnings: The Case of Jordanian Commercial Banks International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 55, 2010,108-117
  • M. Tabieh and A. Al-Horani (2010) An Economic Analysis of Water Status in Jordan Journal of Applied Sciences, 10,16,2010,1695-1704
  • (2001) A real option approach to analysing the properties of stock returns: UK evidence A real option approach to analysing the properties of stock returns: UK evidence,
  • Al-Horani, A., Pope P.F., and A. Stark (2001) Research and Development Activity and Expected Returns in the United Kingdom European Finance Review (now Review of Finance), 7,1, 2003, 27-46


Conference Title Type of Participation Location Date
A real option approach to analysing the properties of stock returns: UK evidence Paper/Poster Manchester University May / 2001


Title Location Date
The Impact of Strategic Planning on Product Development: A Study on Jordanian Companies Operating in the Dairy Industry Al-Ahlyyia Amman University 2021
The Impact of Creative Strategy on Crisis Management: the Case of Al-Mamlakah TV Al-Ahlyyia Amman University 2020

Al-Ahliyya Amman University



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