Dr. Ahmad Aldmour

Associate Professor

Major: Accounting Information Systems

Departemnt: Accounting Department

Faculty: Business School



Extention: 2243



  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Intermediate Accounting 1
  • Intermediate Accounting 2
  • Accounting Principles 2
  • Internal Auditing
  • Company's Accounting


Rank University Country Date
Associate Professor Amman Al-Ahliyya University Jordan 2023
Assistant Professor Amman Al-Ahliyya University Jordan 2019


Degree Institute Specialization Country Date
Phd Brunel University Accounting Information Systems المملكة المتحدة March / 2019
Masters Degree Anglia Ruskin MBA المملكة المتحدة June / 2015
Bachelors Degree University of Jordan Accounting الأردن January / 2013


Job Title Institute Time Period
Professor Assistant Amman Al-Ahliyya University June / 2019 - January / Present


  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Financial Accounting
  • Accounting Auditing


  • Hashem shurafat Ahmad al dmour mohanad obeid waed hmdan (2023) exploring the factors affecting accounting studets missuse of chatgpt to cheat in their assignments: an application of the fraud triangle The International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBTISTANBUL’2023) , ---
  • R Al-Dmour, H Al-Dmour, A Al-Dmour, L Abualigah (2023) The role of academics’ socio-demographic characteristics as moderating in WFH productivity: Empirical evidence Uncertain Supply Chain Management, Volume 11 Issue 3 2023
  • Ahmed Al-Dmour, Hala Zaidan, Abdul Rahman Al Natour (2023) The impact knowledge management processes on business performance via the role of accounting information quality as a mediating factor VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Volume 53 Issue 3 2023
  • Hani Al-Dmour, Nour Saad, Eatedal Basheer Amin, Rand Al-Dmour, Ahmed Al-Dmour (2023) The influence of the practices of big data analytics applications on bank performance: filed study VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Volume 53 Issue 1 2023
  • Naim S Al-Qadi, Ahmed H Al-Dmour (2022) Forensic Accounting Methods and Reducing Creative Accounting Practices: Evidence from Jordan Jordan Journal of Business Administration, 4, 18, 2022
  • Naim S Al-Qadi, Ahmed H Al-Dmour (2022) Forensic Accounting Methods and Reducing Creative Accounting Practices: Evidence from Jordan Jordan Journal of Business Administration, Volume 18 Issue 4 2022
  • Zaid Jaradat, Ahmed Al-Dmour, Hashem Alshurafat, Huthaifa Al-Hazaima, Mohannad Obeid Al Shbail (2022) Factors influencing business intelligence adoption: evidence from Jordan Journal of Decision Systems, 2022, 1-21
  • Hani Al-Dmour, Futon Asfour, Rand Al-Dmour, Ahmed Al-Dmour (2022) Validation of the impact of marketing knowledge management on business performance via digital financial innovation as a mediating factor VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 2022
  • Ahmed Al-Dmour, Hani H Al-dmour, Rawan Brghuthi, Rand Al-Dmour (2021) Technology acceptance dynamics and adoption of e-payment systems: Empirical evidence from Jordan International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR), 2021
  • Hani Al-Dmour, Nour Saad, Eatedal Basheer Amin, Rand Al-Dmour, Ahmed Al-Dmour (2021) The influence of the practices of big data analytics applications on bank performance: filed study International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR), 2021
  • Ahmed Al-Dmour, Rand H Al-Dmour, Hani H Al-Dmour, Eatadal Basheer Ahmadamin (2021) The effect of big data analytic capabilities upon bank performance via FinTech innovation: UAE evidence International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), 4,13, 2021
  • Rand Al-Dmour, Ahmed Al-Dmour, Nifessia Rababeh, Hani Al-Dmour (2021) The influence of knowledge management processes on FinTech innovation: Lebanon evidence International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2021
  • Hala Zaidan, Abdulrahman Al-Natour, Ahmed Al-Dmour (2021) Audit Quality in China: Evidence from Audit Market Development and Split-share Structure Reform Jordan Journal of Business Administration, 2021
  • Manaf Al-Okaily, Abdul Rahman Al Natour, Farah Shishan, Ahmed Al-Dmour, Rasha Alghazzawi, Malek Alsharairi (2021) Sustainable FinTech innovation orientation: a moderated model Sustainability, 24, 13, 2021, 13591
  • A Al-Dmour, Hani Al-Dmour, Ran Al-Barghuthi, Ran Al-Dmour, MT Alshurideh (2021) factors influencing the adoption of e-payment during pandemic outbreak (COVID-19): Empirical evidence The Effect of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) on Business Intelligence, 2021
  • SF Shah, MT Alshurideh, A Al-Dmour, R Al-Dmour (2021) Understanding the influences of cognitive biases on financial decision making during normal and COVID-19 pandemic situation in the United Arab Emirates The Effect of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) on Business Intelligence, 2021
  • Ahmed Al-Dmour, Hani H Al-Dmour, Rewan Brghuthi, Rand H Al-Dmour (2021) Factors Influencing Consumer Intentions to Adopt E-Payment Systems: Empirical Study VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 2,12, 2021
  • Ahmed Al-Dmour, Hala Zaidan, Abdul Rahman Al Natour (2021) The impact knowledge management processes on business performance via the role of accounting information quality as a mediating factor VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 2021
  • Ahmed Al-Dmour, Hala Zaidan, Abdulrahman Alnatour (2020) The Usefulness of Analysts’ Target Prices to Foreign Institutional Investors: US Evidence Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 2020
  • Hani H Al-Dmour, Futon Asfour, Rand Al-Dmour, Ahmed Al-Dmour (2020) The effect of marketing knowledge management on bank performance through fintech innovations: A survey study of Jordanian commercial banks Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 15,51, 2020
  • Rand Al-Dmour, Raja Masadeh, Hani Al-Dmour, Ahmed H Al-Dmour (2020) The effect of Measuring the Effectiveness of the Usage of 3D Printing Technology by Small-Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) in Jordan: Empirical Studyknowledge management on bank performance through fintech innovations: A survey study of Jordanian commercial banks Transylvanian Review, 2020
  • Ahmed Al-Dmour, Rand Al-Dmour, Nafissa Rababeh (2020) The impact of knowledge management practice on digital financial innovation: the role of bank managers VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 3,51, 2020
  • Ahmed H Al-Dmour, Masam Abood, Hani H Al-Dmour (2019) The implementation of SysTrust principles and criteria for assuring reliability of AIS: empirical study International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 2019
  • Ahmed Hani Al-Dmour, Maysam Abbod, NS Al-Balqa (2018) The impact of the quality of financial reporting on non-financial business performance and the role of organizations demographic'attributes (type, size and experience) Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 1, 22, 2018
  • Ahmed H Al-Dmour, Rand H Al-Dmour (2018) Applying multiple linear regression and neural network to predict business performance using the reliability of accounting information system International Journal of Corporate Finance and Accounting (IJCFA), 2,5, 2018


Conference Title Type of Participation Location Date
لا يوجد Attendance لا يوجد January / 2021


Title Location Date
Nor nor 2021


Title Location Date
Sharjah Prize for the Best PhD Thesis in Management Sciences in the Arab World Sharjah/UAE 2021

Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Email: Public@ammanu.edu.jo


© Copyright Al-Ahliyya Amman University. Amman, Jordan 19111.