04 December 2019

The AAU Department of Graphic Design Organizes A Symposium Titled “Jerusalem Is in the Eyes of Amman”

The AAU students of the Department of Graphic Design / the Faculty of Architecture & Design organized in cooperation with Al-Qubba Cultural Society and in coordination with the Ministry of Culture and the Greater Amman Municipality a symposium titled “Jerusalem Is in the Eyes of Amman”. The symposium which took place on Saturday, 30/11/2019 included drawing a-two-copy expressive mural that embodied the Jordanian-Palestinian solidarity. The first copy of this mural was dedicated to the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs and the second to the Al-Qubba Cultural Society. A group of students from the Department carried out this symposium which was moderated by Dr. Mahmud Attia and the instructor Mohammed Al-Smadi along with the supervisor, Yasmine Al-Anbousi. This initiative came in the framework of communicating with the local community and as a confirmation of the mission of the Faculty and the University that pays distinguished attention to social work and to spreading the art and creativity culture among the various spectrums of society.

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