06 December 2011

President of Al-Ahliyya Amman University meets Dean and faculty members of the Faculty of Information Technology

Within Al-Ahliyya Amman University policy directed towards continuous communication with the University administration and faculties, and engaging in dialogue on matters of interest to the University in general and to the faculties in particular, Prof. Dr. Sadeq Hamed, President of the University, met the dean and faculty members of the Faculty of Information Technology. The meeting was commenced with a slide show of the Faculty Guide 2011/2012, which included a detailed overview of the faculty, its departments, specialties, and future aspirations. The show won the admiration of the audience. Dr. Hamed welcomed the audience and then briefly addressed the challenges facing the Faculty in particular, and the trends and expectations regarding the teaching process. He noted the need to reconsider the programs offered and preparing a sufficient study of the possibility of providing new specializations to keep pace with science and technology evolution. These programs should be geared towards meeting the needs of the market and focusing on inputs that include the necessary skills that deliver remarkable outputs capable of competitive engagement in the labor market. During the meeting, the audience raised questions, which were answered by the President of the University. At the end of the meeting, the attendees expressed sincere thanks and gratitude to the President of the University for this valuable informative meeting which keep the employees in direct contact with the University administration .

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