21 December 2023

OSCE Exam Held for Nursing Students at AAU

In continuation of its journey of development in teaching methods, assessment, and testing approaches, the Faculty of Nursing at our university conducted the "OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)" for students enrolled in the fundamental nursing and adults 1 courses. The purpose was to assess students' practical competencies and clinical skills simultaneously. A total of 90 students participated in the exam over two days. The assessment was conducted by a committee consisting of clinical supervisors and training supervisors from hospitals, spread across three assessment stations daily, under the supervision of the course coordinator, Dr. Rabia Allari. The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Professor Muntaha Al-Gharaibeh, emphasized that the objective of conducting the OSCE is to test students' clinical skills at a high-quality and safe level, including patient communication skills that mirror real-world scenarios. This prepares them to join the medical team and work environments after graduation and provide the best healthcare. Based on this, the experience has been generalized to all courses, with the exam being implemented in all courses starting from the second semester. The faculty is preparing laboratories and faculty members to conduct the exam with excellence and precision. Our Faculty of Nursing is constantly focused on developing its training and education system. This is achieved through its academic plan, course plans, training agreements with hospitals from all sectors, and by providing an exceptional university training environment. This environment is characterized by offering a wide range of fields, professional and personal skills, and providing training opportunities for its students.

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