02 June 2022
Department of Multimedia Design at Al-Ahliyya Amman University organizes a workshop entitled Visual Communication Theories and its Applications
The Department of Multimedia Design at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of Al-Ahliyya Amman University organized a workshop entitled Visual Communication Theories and its Applications on Thursday, May 26, 2022 through Microsoft Teams.The workshop was conducted by Lama Al-Takrouri from Bir Zeit University - the Faculty of Arts, Music and Design in Palestine, in the presence of a number of faculty members and students from the departments of multimedia design and graphic design.The workshop included several topics on theories and applications of visual communication, semiotics, Infographics, Gestalt, color and topography.This workshop is in line with the mission and objectives of the department and the faculty, which seeks to develop the skills of students and raise their competence and qualify them for the labor market by finding ways to communicate with practitioners and specialists in this field.
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