01 May 2012
The Deanship of Student Affairs, in collaboration with Jordan Eye Production Foundation, announces filming a competition show entitled “Jordan Good Talent”
Important Announcement: Deanship of Student Affairs, in collaboration with Jordan Eye Production Foundation, announces filming a competition show entitled “Jordan Good Talent” in the following categories and talents: singing category: all types of singing; poetry talents category: authoring and reciting all the genres of poetry; musical performance: all musical instruments; talent shows and popular bands; performance talents category which includes: acting, comedy, imitation, broadcasters talents; HIPHOP category which includes: rap, beat box, break dancing, graffiti; athletic performance and marvelous powers talents category. For those who wish to participate, kindly register no later than 10/5/2012 at the Deanship of Student Affairs, Department of Cultural and Social Activity, Ms. Zena Abu Al-Samen.
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