Program Description

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


Pharmaceutical biotechnology is a rapidly expanding field that aims to provide biotechnological tools and techniques for discovering and developing new treatments and innovative drug delivery systems, which can contribute to the treatment of many major diseases. The Bachelor’s program in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology aims to qualify professionals with expertise in biotechnology fields, such as biopharmaceutical manufacturing, gene therapy, stem cell therapy, and the production of serums and vaccines, enabling graduates to compete strongly in the local and global job markets.

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Number Of Credit Hours

4 (1)

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements of the Bachelor degree in the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology program include a High School Certificate or equivalent in the following:


  • Scientific
  • Scientific - Medical Field
  • Comprehensive Health Education
  • Nursing

Job Opportunities


This program aims to develop students' skills and provide them with the knowledge necessary to meet the modern challenges in the field of pharmaceutical biotechnology. These courses are of great importance, as they qualify students to work in the pharmaceutical industries, scientific research, and pharmaceutical development.

Study Plans and Program Files

Educational Objectives



  • Measure the fundamentals of different dosage forms and drug delivery systems of various medications and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each dosage form and its convenience to the patient.
  • Evaluate the basic knowledge of scientific terminology in pharmaceutical biotechnology.
  • Examine and apply the knowledge related to the fundamentals of the human body organization, the body's physiological functions, and how they can be altered with chemical molecules (drugs) derived from natural and synthetic origins.
  • Theorize the role of the structure-activity relationship of chemical and organic molecules as drugs and the rationale behind drug design.
  • Test knowledge of the different drug classes and groups, their indications, contraindications, and mechanisms of action.
  • Assess the technical skills of formulating a given active pharmaceutical ingredient in a various dosage form (i.e. suspensions, emulsions, creams, suppositories, etc.) and compute all the relevant parameters associated with drug dosage.
  • Test the ability to observe, record, and discuss different pharmacological effects of medications on laboratory animals and to discuss the results.
  • Implement compounding methods to create an efficient and safe drug and apply quality control measures and examinations according to the recent guidelines.

Al-Ahliyya Amman University



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