Program Description

Master in Audiology


The Master of Audiology program links knowledge in audiology and its application in developing diagnostic processes for hearing and balance disorders and health and rehabilitation care. In addition, this program is a bridge between rehabilitation sciences and applied medical sciences, which enables the student to delve into the knowledge of different diagnostic methods for hearing loss, including balance tests and auditory rehabilitation, through an accurate description of hearing aids in a qualified scientific manner.


This program aims to provide students with applied skills in using various technological devices in this field to serve a wide range of needy groups of different ages. It is worth noting that early screening of newborns is one of the most important legislations spread globally and regionally, which we in the Kingdom should work to enact after providing the practical field with specialists capable of early diagnosis using the latest diagnostic technology devices. The Master of Audiology program is the first program of its kind in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the region. The Master of Audiology program is an option for students who have a bachelor's degree in hearing and speech and other graduates of various specializations such as medical laboratory sciences, pharmacy, life sciences, and biotechnology who do not have the option to continue their studies and obtain a master's degree in Jordan due to the lack of this program in the Kingdom. Therefore, most students wishing to study for a doctorate head outside the Kingdom or study in saturated specializations such as a master's degree in special education.


With the scientific revolution in the field of applied medical research in the world, it is expected that this specialization will witness a great demand from students inside and outside Jordan, especially since Amman Ahliyya University enjoys a prestigious reputation in this field after attracting a number of distinguished competencies in this field and modernizing the Amman Ahliyya Center for Hearing and Speech at the university, which is fully equipped with the latest equipment and technical devices in the field of hearing and speech, which has served the Balqa and the capital governorates charitably for more than twenty years. Graduate students in the Speech and Language Pathology program enjoy training opportunities at the Amman Ahliyya University Hearing and Speech Clinic on campus, which serves the residents of Amman, Balqa Governorate, and the surrounding communities. The training is supervised by highly experienced specialists and faculty members.

Master in Audiology

Number Of Credit Hours

4 (1)

Comprehensive Track

Al-Ahliyya Amman University



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