Business Administration







University Requirement

Faculty Requirement

Major Requirement

Free Ellective

Complementary Requirement

Total Credit Hours

Complementary Requirement is not calcualted in total credit hours

University Requirement - 24 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 15 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161201 English Communication Skills 3 Grammar: question tags, modals, future forms, articles, adjectives, adverbs, if structures; vocabulary: relationships, work, activities, media, war, sport; writing skills: essay, notes, messages, application letters; basic and advanced reading skills; basic and advanced listening skills; verbal skills: oral presentations, arguments.
A0161301 National Education 3 Concepts and terms; Geography of Jordan; contemporary political history of Jordan; Jordanian Society; Jordanian constitutional and democratic life; Jordanian national institutions; challenges facing Jordan; threats to civic life: fanaticism, extremism, terrorism, violence; corruption: definitions, types, causes, impact, and prevention.
A0161101 Arabic Communication Skills 3 Language levels: phonological level, grammatical level, rhetorical level, orthographic level, comprehension and speaking; grammar exercises, nominal sentences, verbal sentences, kana and its sisters, Inna and its sisters, dual, masculine plural, feminine plural, indeclinable nouns, vocative, appositives; exercises in morphology, present participle, and past participle; spelling and punctuation, dictionaries, listening and speaking.
A0161112 Leadership and Societal Responsibility 1 This course deals with prominent titles related to leadership, such as: the meaning of leadership, the vocabulary that falls under the term, leadership styles, leadership and social responsibility, change management and strategies, building an effective team, the leader and managing diversity, how to discover future leaders and support them, and women leaders.
A0161113 Life Skills 1 This course deals with the vital interest of the individual on the individual and collective level. It is like a passport to the success of individuals and helps them understand their personal competencies. It discusses the meaning of skills, their levels, characteristics and importance, communication skill and communication, and trains them on self-skills such as the skill of time management, organizing and defining it, and providing examples of its fields of application and activities. carried out by the students themselves. It also deals with thinking skills, its importance, education, and forms such as problem-solving and decision-making as forms of complex thinking or its strategies. The course also deals with training students on methods of dialogue and exchange of views as an entry point to resolving differences and mitigating frictions when we witness the openness of societies, correct study skills, family success and conservatism.
A0161401 Military Sciences 3 The establishment and development of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; the history of the Arab Legion; peacekeeping troops; preparing the nation for defense and liberation.
A0161111 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1 Economic science definition: its objectives and the economic problem; The relation between the economic science and other sciences; Economic analysis methods; Production possibilities curve; National income accounts; Consumption; Investment; Saving; Unemployment; Inflation; Money and Banking; Financial and monetary policy and its role in dealing with the imbalanced economy through these policies; Economic development in terms of importance and objectives and economic planning to achieve such objectives; Demand and supply theory and consumer equilibrium; Cost and production theory; Producer equilibrium in different markets.

Elective Courses - 6 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161501 Islamic Culture 3 Definition of the culture, characteristics of the Islamic culture, Islamic culture and other cultures; the sources of Islamic culture: The Holy Quran, Sunna, the Arabic language, history of Islam; fields of Islamic culture: faith, worship, morals; challenges facing the Islamic culture: orientalism, globalization, secularism; young people and the impacts of foreign cultures, women and Islam, Islam and terrorism.
A0161701 History of Jordan and Palestine 3 The geography of Jordan and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine in ancient times, general historical look, Jordan, and Palestine in the Mamluk era, Jordan, and Palestine during the First World War (1914- 1918), Emirate of East Jordan (Transjordan), constitutional and legislative life in Jordan, Palestine under the British Mandate, and Jordanian-Palestinian relations, Jerusalem, historical status.
A0161703 Archaeology and Tourism in Jordan 3 Tourism definition; Classification of Tourism; The difference between tourist and other traveler?s concepts, Travel types, The definition of Archaeology and archaeological sites: Archaeological surveys and excavations; Documentation; Jordan through the ages; Components of tourism in Jordan; Elements of tourist attractions in Jordan: Archeological sites, Natural sites, Natural reserves, Forests; Tourist movement and types in Jordan; Economical impact of tourism in Jordan.
A0161601 Contemporary Issues 3 Identify the most important contemporary local, national and regional issues, the most prominent contemporary challenges and their questions from development, youth, extremism, globalization, culture and identity; Jerusalem and its central position, the Arab-Israeli conflict
A0161802 Development and Environment 3 The course provides awareness and insight into the environmental issue, its vocabulary, the human relationship with the ecosystem, and environmental hazards to avoid. It also works to develop students' understanding and awareness of basic ecological concepts, and to reinforce their attitudes and values, in order to practice solving environmental problems. And linking it to comprehensive development and its relationship to water, food and energy security.
A0411601 Legal Education and Human Rights 3 This course identifying the basic concepts of human rights in an analytical way, and then realistic clarify of the international & regional means dealing with human rights such as treaties, recommendations and international means that are in the process of formation, such imperative rules & customs, this course also address realistically the content of human rights and the rights of the first generation such as right of living. The second-generation rights such as the right to work and third-generation rights such as the right of environment. International ways to protect human rights in general. In addition, the extent to which the Jordanian constitution is compatible with international human rights standards.
A0161901 Media and Public Relations 3 The nexus between media and society in terms of the social, political, economic and cultural power of the media, the role of the media in giving people the opportunity to express their opinions and promote international relations. Communication and public relations, communication and its types, levels, forms, properties, fields, activities, physical and nonphysical (symbolic) environment, and obstacles to the communicative process. Public relations: its beginnings, development, principles, bases, importance, functions, planning, activities.

Elective Courses - 3 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0871103 Principles of Renewable Energy 3 Introduction to renewable Energy include Photovoltaic, Wind power, Micro hydropower, Biomass energy, Waste power, Solar thermal power, Geothermal power, Ocean energy (tidal, tide-flow and wave), Ocean energy (OTEC), , Comparison of characteristics and cost of renewables. How we can use the sun, wind, biomass, geothermal resources, and water to generate more sustainable energy. It explains the fundamentals of energy, including the transfer of energy, as well as the limitations of natural resources. Starting with solar power, the text illustrates how energy from the sun is transferred and stored; used for heating, cooling, and lighting; collected and concentrated; and converted into electricity
A1321100 Sport and Health 3 Defining health and fitness: physical education, health education; the cognitive, emotional, skill-oriented, and social goals of physical education; the history of physical education: ancient, medieval, and modern ages, the Olympics, Athletics in Jordan: nutrition and exercising; athletic injuries: bone, joint , muscle, skin injuries; special exercises for figure deformation; diseases related to lack of exercise: diabetes, obesity, being underweight, back pain, cancer; hooliganism: causes and recommended solutions for hooliganism.
A0591111 Digital Literacy 3 Digital Literacy is a concept that describes how technology and the Internet are shaping the way people interact and how they affect us as individuals and as a society. This course educate students on the uses of digital technologies, the dangers of digital technology and the need to build a culture of ethical use of the Internet and introduce the concept of responsible freedom.
A0612303 Society Health 3 The course aims to provide students with the basic principles that enhance the concept of health and health prevention in its various physical, psychological and social aspects. The student will also be provided with information that helps individuals realize their health needs in the context of the culture and values ??systems they live in and how to meet these needs, which is known as improving health and quality of life.
A0161602 Critical Thinking Skills 3 The concept of critical thinking, its components; characteristics of critical thinking individuals; Critical thinking skills: the skill of interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, expectation, prediction; Stages of critical thinking: Motivation, searching for information, linking information, evaluation, expression, and integration

Faculty Requirement - 24 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 24 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0551201 Microeconomics 3 The course provides the basic knowledge of economics that is essential for all business major students to know. Topics covered in microeconomics include equilibrium models used by consumers and producers to satisfy needs under scarce resources, the theory of demand and supply, shifts in supply and demand, elasticity of demand and supply, consumer equilibrium, producer equilibrium, and markets under perfect competition.
A0571101 Principles of Marketing (1) 3 This course aim to describe the Marketing Concepts, the importance of understanding the marketplace and build customer engagement, and marketing mix; Analyzing the Marketing Environment: Marketing Environment Definition, The Micro-Environment, The Macro Environment, Responding to the Marketing Environment; Products: Product Definition, Product Dimensions, Product Classification, Product life cycle and its strategy;? pricing: pricing concept, pricing strategies and tactics; marketing channels: Understand the importance of marketing channels, Understand what value channel members create; marketing communications: define the promotion mix tools, the integrated marketing communications. Include planning and execution of promotional program.
A0111104 Statistics For Business 3 Elementary principles and applications of descriptive statistics; counting principles; linear regression and correlation and ANOVA; elementary probability principles; probability distributions; test of hypothesis and confidence interval.
A0551101 Principles of Financial Management 3 This is an introductory finance course which assumes no prior knowledge of financial management. It introduces students to the fundamental concepts of financial management and the tools of financial decision making. These concepts relate primarily to the financial statement analysis, financial ratios analysis, time value of money, and capital budget techniques.
A0511101 Principles of Business Administration 3 This course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge of management functions. Students will learn the fundamental principles of business administration, which include: Introduction to management and organizations, management history, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
A0581401 Management Information Systems (1) 3 his course aims to equip students with the basic knowledge of management information systems (MIS) fundamentals. Accordingly, this course is formulated to cover key topics of MIS include: Information systems basic concepts, the role of information systems in business environments complementary assets of information systems, types of information systems and their functions in an organization, foundations of business intelligence, foundations of telecommunication and Internet technologies, and the principles of e-commerce business and revenue models.
A0531101 Principles of Accounting (1) 3 This course aims to prepare students to understand the definition and objectives of Accounting, and its Principles and Assumptions. As well, this course helps students to use the accounting equation in order to analyze the economic transactions, prepare the journal entries, posting, and prepare financial statements. Moreover, this course illustrates all of the following ( event, transaction, entry, journal, posting, ledger, trail balance, adjusting entries, correcting entries, closing entries, financial statement).
A0331701 Computer Skills (Humanities) 3 The course introduces students to a range of advanced topics in Microsoft Office 2016 Applications; these applications include Microsoft Outlook 2016, Microsoft Word 2016 and Microsoft Excel 2016.  The course is designed to enhance the students? skills in advanced topics of Microsoft, it explains how to manage Emails using MS-Outlook 2016, also it introduces the students to create, format and design Text documents using MS- Word 2016 and finally it develops the knowledge of students in MS-Excel 2016 (Advanced Topics).

Major Requirement - 72 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 66 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0514301 Total Quality Management 3 This course introduces students to the philosophy and concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM), including its historical evolutions, principles, and practices. In addition, it explores the techniques and tools associated with the total quality management approach. Students will learn the fundamental principles and key issues of TQM including; the total quality approach, quality and global competitiveness, quality culture, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement methods, and total quality tools.
A0513103 International Business Management 3
A0513205 Negotiation Management 3
A0513201 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 3 This course introduces thoroughly the complex environment in which managers confront ethical decision-making. Topics include concepts, processes and best practices within successful business ethics programs. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their moral responsibilities and obligations as members of the workforce and society, and able to integrate ethics into key strategic business decisions.
A0512203 Crisis and Risk Management 3
A0511102 Business Communication Skills 3 This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge of business communication. Students will learn effective business writing; persuasive and appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication and interpersonal skills across teams and cultures, also to adapt messages to the needs and expectations of the audience. 
A0513102 Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses 3 This course aims to equip students with the basic knowledge of Entrepreneurship and Small Business skills. It provides students with an overview of entrepreneurship and small business and the essential tools needed to make successful feasibility analysis and a business plan. Students will learn the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and small business including: introduction to entrepreneurship, recognizing opportunities and generating ideas, feasibility analysis, writing a business plan, industry and competitor analysis, franchising, and finding opportunity in an existing business.
A0512103 Innovation and Creativity Management 3 This course introduces the theories and practices of innovation management. The course examines areas including the role of innovation for growth and wealth creation, effective innovation processes and the associated management issues, and the characteristics of innovative organizations. 
A0513301 Production and Operations Management 3 This course aims to equip students with knowledge of production and operations management, It provides students with an overview of production and operations management, this course focus at the following topics: Basic Concept, Introduction of production and operations management, concept and significant of production and operations management, production and productivity, demand forecasting, product/service planning & Development, capacity management, location Strategies , Facility layout
A0514103 Strategic Management 3 This course introduces key concepts, principles and intellectual tools needed in the strategic management field including environmental scanning, firm?s mission statement, strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. The course focus on strategic decision-making mode, ethics and managerial actions that affect firm?s strategic performance, skills necessary to devise strategies that improves firm?s competitive position while facing uncertainty and global competition.
A0514202 Business Leadership and Decision Making 3 This course focuses on the development of leadership skills used in managing a successful business. You will analyze the role of a leader in business with a focus on decision-making, management of group dynamics, workplace stress, and conflict, motivation of employees, and planning. Effective business communication skills, ethics, and social responsibility are also emphasized throughout the course. 
A0512102 Human Resource Management 3 This course aims to enable students to understand the various principles and concepts of Human Resources Management. It provides students a full and practical introduction to human resource management techniques, with a focus on how to use those techniques to improve performance, productivity and profitability at work. Students will learn the fundamental principles of human resource management including: Planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal and compensation.
A0513206 Business Sustainability 3
A0514501 Graduation Project 3 The aim of this course is to guide students in conducting and writing a scientific research based on rules of academic writing. Students are expected to apply skills related to critical reading, understanding, synthesizing and contrasting and comparing, then propose a research topic after reviewing the literature. The advisor will guide the student through each stage of the research in weekly or even biweekly meetings.
A0513401 Advanced Logistics Management 3 This course covers the role and impact of Logistics and Supply Chain Management affecting an organization through the understanding of Supplier Management in Purchasing, Transportation Models, and Inventory Models from a cost-efficient and optimization perspective, strategically managing international shipping systems and inventory. Examples of global best practices are delivered throughout the course too. 
A0514101 Organizational Theory 3 This course deals with the basic concepts of organization theory and explains various management theories. The course includes, definition of organization theory, organization goals, organization development, modern concepts of organization theory, conflict between line and staff management, organization and its environment.
A0511201 Change Management 3 This course focuses on the conceptual frameworks of change management and provides a practical and thorough overview of how effective change can be achieved in organizations. Students will learn the importance of organizational change, change approaches, the relationship between change and managerial topics, and how to deal with resistance to change its pros and cons.  
A0512401 Supply Chain Management 3 This course aims to provide student with basic knowledge of supply chain management, and understanding the objectives of supply chain including Manufacturers, Wholesalers, retailers and this course will provide the students with the knowledge of supply design, supply strategies, transferring the raw materials, between suppliers and manufacturers, transportation, warehouse strategies. Information technology for supply operations, product delivery to the end destination with low costs.
A0513101 Organizational Behavior 3 This course aims to provide students with the basic concepts of behavioral sciences of individuals within organizations through teaching students, the concept of the organization, diversity and culture of workers, motivation to work, work pressures, perception, personality, Topics include attitudes and job satisfaction, personality, work attitudes, work motivation, and group effectiveness Conflict, leadership effectiveness in decision making.
A0514302 Project Management 3 This course aims to equip students with the basic knowledge of project management skills. It provides students with an overview of project management and the essential tools needed to deliver successful projects on time and on budget. Students will learn the fundamental principles of project management including: project initiation, project definition, creation of work breakdown structures, scheduling using Gantt charts and network diagrams, risk management, budgeting and controlling resources, quality assurance, auditing and project termination.
A0512303 Quantitative Methods in Business 3 This course aims to enable students to use quantitative methods and techniques for efficient decision making in business context. Topics include decision theory, linear programming, graphical and simplex methods, transportation models and assignment techniques. It emphasizes learning by doing through analytic techniques and computer packages. 
A0512302 Scientific Research Methods 3 This course provides students with knowledge and skills related to the scientific method of conducting business research. Students will learn the basic steps of conducting scientific research and writing a report using APA style formatting. Topics include; Introduction to scientific research, problem identification, literature review, theoretical framework, hypothesis development, research design, data collection methods, variable measurement, sampling, citation, and references. Ethical considerations and implications related to the research process are also covered.

Elective Courses - 6 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0592201 Electronic Business Models 3 The course explores the issues underpinning e-business models and related issues. It also pays attention to several aspects related to innovative e-applications (e-government, e-management, m-commerce), the economics of e-business, e-tailing and marketing, e-trust, legal and ethical issues in global e-business. More precisely, the course investigates the impact of e-technologies on marketplace transformation, online business activities/processes, management strategies to e-business and related issues with an emphasis on B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B (business-to-business) e-business models.
A0532202 Managerial Accounting 3 This course aims to define the managerial accounting, and the interrelationship with financial and cost Accounting, the cost concepts and classifications, the mixed cost separation method, the High-Low method. The course helps the students to calculate the breakeven point for one and multiple Product, as well, how to take the short-term managerial decisions. The course illustrates how to prepare the various types of budgeting.
A0521305 Principles of Hospitality Management 3 This course provides an overview of the essential aspects of professionalism and different services in the main area of the hospitality industry and some parts of travel and tourism industry. The hospitality industry background, historical development and its component area will be presented, employment opportunities and facilities as well trends in each area will be discussed
A0583105 Knowledge Management 3 This course focuses on practices, tools and techniques of knowledge management (KM) to deal with the challenges in the organization. Student will learn concept of KM, Why KM, clearly characterize types of knowledge and structure of knowledge management solutions, describe key components of KM solutions: infrastructure, mechanisms and technologies, systems and processes, and Evaluate KM solution of an organization.
A0513202 Business Environment Management 3 This course aims to equip students with the fundamentals of business environment. It provides students with an overview of business environment. Students will learn the fundamental principles of business environment management (the external and internal environment), the political environment, the macroeconomic environment, the demographic social and cultural context of business, the resource context, the legal environment, and the market system
A0514203 Public Relation Management 3 This course introduces the students to the fundamentals of public relations management and practices. Provides the students with the importance of public relations, its uses, and techniques to defend the overall image of the organization. Students will learn the role of public relations in the organization, the evolution of public relations over years, the application of communication strategies and tools for communications planning, public opinions influences, managing campaigns, and public relations as a management function, the effect of ethics, media and social media on public relation. 
A0562103 Digital Consumer Behavior 3 This course aims to provide students with an understanding of traditional and digital consumer behavior, the mechanism of market segmentation and targeting, and the internal and external factors that influence this behavior to make science-based decisions in the organization in order to provide added value to consumers and win competition in traditional and digital markets.
A05102201 Banks Management 3 This course provides students with the fundamental concepts related to the management of banks and financial institutions. The course begins with defining banks and their roles, followed by showcasing and explaining organizational structures. Thereafter, the course explains what the financial statements are and describes how their performance can be evaluated. The final part of this course explains how to allocate and manage assets and liabilities, taking into consideration both profitability and liquidity.

Free Ellective - 12 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 12 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0412302 Commercial law for Business 3 This course deals with the most important provisions of the Jordanian Trade Law. The course focuses on the definition of the commercial law, explaining the forms of commercial business, the trader, the store, and commercial papers, as well as defining commercial companies, studying the provisions of companies in its two parts, companies or persons, funds, and companies, and a careful study of the provisions for auditors, Jordanian Companies Law and its amendments.
A0531102 Accounting Principles (2) 3 This course aims to prepare the students to understand the classification of assets like cash, bank, account receivable, and note receivable, inventory and plant assets. This course covers the topic like cash control, bank reconciliation, accounting for receivables, accounts receivable, notes receivable, inventories and the comparison between the perpetual and periodic entries. This course illustrates how to deal with plant assets, determining the cost of plant assets, calculate the depreciation, and plant asset disposals.
A0562201 Marketing Management 3 This course aims to expand students' knowledge of the concept and nature of marketing management: what is meant by marketing management, the main activities of marketing management, philosophies of marketing management; Marketing planning: organization objectives/strategic objective, marketing audit, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis, marketing objectives, marketing strategies, marketing programs, budgets/resources allocation, implementation, evaluation and control; Organizing marketing activity: nature and purpose of organization, organizational structure design, nature of marketing management organization, marketing management organization models, introduction of marketing orientation at the organization level; Evaluation and control of marketing performance: the first measure of control and evaluation (assessment and interpretation of the current results and proposing the necessary corrective actions), financial measures, marketing measures, measures related to achieving stakeholder goals and risks, the second measure of control and evaluation (improving marketing effectiveness through marketing review), performance review catalog, components of a marketing audit; Applications in Marketing Management: Practical Cases in Marketing Management.
A0591301 Electronic Commerce 3 The course introduces the student to e-commerce concept and fundamentals. It covers key areas of e-commerce, including business-to-consumer, business-to-business and business-to-government electronic commerce (EC); online business models and EC technology basics. This course will also shed the light on e-commerce barriers and enables, Standards, online payments models, regulation and policy, security, social and economic issues will also be considered.

Complementary Requirement - 9 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 9 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161200 Remedial English Language 3 Grammar: auxiliary verbs, tenses (past, present, future) Vocabulary: friendship, communication, IT, TV shows, media, houses, places description, compound nouns, free time activities, books and movies description, food, dinning out. Variety of skills: paragraph writing, verifying formal and informal letters, writing unofficial emails, ways of using punctuation, upper case letters and conjunctions, outlining main ideas and details, inferring conclusions and impeded meanings, determining author?s perspectives, presentations, argumentation and persuasion, agreeing and disagreeing expressions, making comparisons, narrating events, expressing opinions, making official phone calls, ordering food, correct pronunciation.
A0331700 Remedial Computer Skills 3 Introduction to basic computer hardware and software; copyrights; Windows operating system; Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power point, Access; Introduction to Internet.
A0161100 Remedial Arabic Language 3 Language level and definition, speaking and comprehension texts, syntax exercises, Nominal Sentence, safe feminine plural, safe masculine plural, singularity, auxiliaries, duality, numbers, subordinates, punctuations, morphological exercise, dictation issues, Nunnation.

Al-Ahliyya Amman University



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