Clinical Psychology






University Requirement

Faculty Requirement

Major Requirement

Complementary Requirement

Total Credit Hours

Complementary Requirement is not calcualted in total credit hours

University Requirement - 24 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 15 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161201 English Communication Skills 3 Grammar: question tags, modals, future forms, articles, adjectives, adverbs, if structures; vocabulary: relationships, work, activities, media, war, sport; writing skills: essay, notes, messages, application letters; basic and advanced reading skills; basic and advanced listening skills; verbal skills: oral presentations, arguments.
A0161101 Arabic Communication Skills 3 Language levels: phonological level, grammatical level, rhetorical level, orthographic level, comprehension and speaking; grammar exercises, nominal sentences, verbal sentences, kana and its sisters, Inna and its sisters, dual, masculine plural, feminine plural, indeclinable nouns, vocative, appositives; exercises in morphology, present participle, and past participle; spelling and punctuation, dictionaries, listening and speaking.
A0161301 National Education 3 Concepts and terms; Geography of Jordan; contemporary political history of Jordan; Jordanian Society; Jordanian constitutional and democratic life; Jordanian national institutions; challenges facing Jordan; threats to civic life: fanaticism, extremism, terrorism, violence; corruption: definitions, types, causes, impact, and prevention.
A0161112 Leadership and Societal Responsibility 1 This course deals with prominent titles related to leadership, such as: the meaning of leadership, the vocabulary that falls under the term, leadership styles, leadership and social responsibility, change management and strategies, building an effective team, the leader and managing diversity, how to discover future leaders and support them, and women leaders.
A0161401 Military Sciences 3 The establishment and development of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; the history of the Arab Legion; peacekeeping troops; preparing the nation for defense and liberation.
A0161113 Life Skills 1 This course deals with the vital interest of the individual on the individual and collective level. It is like a passport to the success of individuals and helps them understand their personal competencies. It discusses the meaning of skills, their levels, characteristics and importance, communication skill and communication, and trains them on self-skills such as the skill of time management, organizing and defining it, and providing examples of its fields of application and activities. carried out by the students themselves. It also deals with thinking skills, its importance, education, and forms such as problem-solving and decision-making as forms of complex thinking or its strategies. The course also deals with training students on methods of dialogue and exchange of views as an entry point to resolving differences and mitigating frictions when we witness the openness of societies, correct study skills, family success and conservatism.
A0161111 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1 Economic science definition: its objectives and the economic problem; The relation between the economic science and other sciences; Economic analysis methods; Production possibilities curve; National income accounts; Consumption; Investment; Saving; Unemployment; Inflation; Money and Banking; Financial and monetary policy and its role in dealing with the imbalanced economy through these policies; Economic development in terms of importance and objectives and economic planning to achieve such objectives; Demand and supply theory and consumer equilibrium; Cost and production theory; Producer equilibrium in different markets.

Elective Courses - 6 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161501 Islamic Culture 3 Definition of the culture, characteristics of the Islamic culture, Islamic culture and other cultures; the sources of Islamic culture: The Holy Quran, Sunna, the Arabic language, history of Islam; fields of Islamic culture: faith, worship, morals; challenges facing the Islamic culture: orientalism, globalization, secularism; young people and the impacts of foreign cultures, women and Islam, Islam and terrorism.
A0161701 History of Jordan and Palestine 3 The geography of Jordan and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine in ancient times, general historical look, Jordan, and Palestine in the Mamluk era, Jordan, and Palestine during the First World War (1914- 1918), Emirate of East Jordan (Transjordan), constitutional and legislative life in Jordan, Palestine under the British Mandate, and Jordanian-Palestinian relations, Jerusalem, historical status.
A0161703 Archaeology and Tourism in Jordan 3 Tourism definition; Classification of Tourism; The difference between tourist and other traveler?s concepts, Travel types, The definition of Archaeology and archaeological sites: Archaeological surveys and excavations; Documentation; Jordan through the ages; Components of tourism in Jordan; Elements of tourist attractions in Jordan: Archeological sites, Natural sites, Natural reserves, Forests; Tourist movement and types in Jordan; Economical impact of tourism in Jordan.
A0161802 Development and Environment 3 The course provides awareness and insight into the environmental issue, its vocabulary, the human relationship with the ecosystem, and environmental hazards to avoid. It also works to develop students' understanding and awareness of basic ecological concepts, and to reinforce their attitudes and values, in order to practice solving environmental problems. And linking it to comprehensive development and its relationship to water, food and energy security.
A0161601 Contemporary Issues 3 Identify the most important contemporary local, national and regional issues, the most prominent contemporary challenges and their questions from development, youth, extremism, globalization, culture and identity; Jerusalem and its central position, the Arab-Israeli conflict
A0411601 Legal Education and Human Rights 3 This course identifying the basic concepts of human rights in an analytical way, and then realistic clarify of the international & regional means dealing with human rights such as treaties, recommendations and international means that are in the process of formation, such imperative rules & customs, this course also address realistically the content of human rights and the rights of the first generation such as right of living. The second-generation rights such as the right to work and third-generation rights such as the right of environment. International ways to protect human rights in general. In addition, the extent to which the Jordanian constitution is compatible with international human rights standards.
A0161901 Media and Public Relations 3 The nexus between media and society in terms of the social, political, economic and cultural power of the media, the role of the media in giving people the opportunity to express their opinions and promote international relations. Communication and public relations, communication and its types, levels, forms, properties, fields, activities, physical and nonphysical (symbolic) environment, and obstacles to the communicative process. Public relations: its beginnings, development, principles, bases, importance, functions, planning, activities.

Elective Courses - 3 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0871103 Principles of Renewable Energy 3 Introduction to renewable Energy include Photovoltaic, Wind power, Micro hydropower, Biomass energy, Waste power, Solar thermal power, Geothermal power, Ocean energy (tidal, tide-flow and wave), Ocean energy (OTEC), , Comparison of characteristics and cost of renewables. How we can use the sun, wind, biomass, geothermal resources, and water to generate more sustainable energy. It explains the fundamentals of energy, including the transfer of energy, as well as the limitations of natural resources. Starting with solar power, the text illustrates how energy from the sun is transferred and stored; used for heating, cooling, and lighting; collected and concentrated; and converted into electricity
A1321100 Sport and Health 3 Defining health and fitness: physical education, health education; the cognitive, emotional, skill-oriented, and social goals of physical education; the history of physical education: ancient, medieval, and modern ages, the Olympics, Athletics in Jordan: nutrition and exercising; athletic injuries: bone, joint , muscle, skin injuries; special exercises for figure deformation; diseases related to lack of exercise: diabetes, obesity, being underweight, back pain, cancer; hooliganism: causes and recommended solutions for hooliganism.
A0591111 Digital Literacy 3 Digital Literacy is a concept that describes how technology and the Internet are shaping the way people interact and how they affect us as individuals and as a society. This course educate students on the uses of digital technologies, the dangers of digital technology and the need to build a culture of ethical use of the Internet and introduce the concept of responsible freedom.
A0612303 Society Health 3 The course aims to provide students with the basic principles that enhance the concept of health and health prevention in its various physical, psychological and social aspects. The student will also be provided with information that helps individuals realize their health needs in the context of the culture and values ??systems they live in and how to meet these needs, which is known as improving health and quality of life.
A0161602 Critical Thinking Skills 3 The concept of critical thinking, its components; characteristics of critical thinking individuals; Critical thinking skills: the skill of interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, expectation, prediction; Stages of critical thinking: Motivation, searching for information, linking information, evaluation, expression, and integration

Faculty Requirement - 21 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 21 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161702 History of Natural Sciences 3 Science in the Arab and Islamic world during the Middle Ages (History of Science; Scientific Communication between Arabs and Europeans; Translation; Scientific Renaissance of Arabs in the Middle Ages); Science, Technology, and Society (Nature of Science and Technology and their Interrelatedness; Characteristics of Contemporary Science and Technology; Impact of Science and Technology on Modern Society; Science and Technology in Developing Countries).
A0141301 Research Methods in the Humanities 3 Scientific research: nature, fields and principles; Problem identification; Recourses; Rules of drafting; Hypothesis definition; Significance; Testing; Research data; Research literature; Research resources and scientific research tools; Research Methods.
A0121402 English for Special Purposes 3 English for specific purposes (ESP) is a sub-branch of teaching/learning English as a second or foreign language. It involves teaching technical English for students to meet their special needs. English for specific purposes provides learners with specific skills based on a detailed analysis of learners' professional/academic needs. Examples of ESP include English for business, medical and psychological fields or other fields which require dealing with specific jargons or terminologies.
A0131301 Health Psychology 3 The course includes behavioral, cognitive, psychological, social, and physiological factors that influence individuals' responses to health and disease. Its goals are to promote health, prevent disease, maintain quality of life, and well-being in the context of disease. It also addresses the theoretical, scientific, and applied aspects in the field of health psychology, such as health-promoting behaviors, behaviors, psychological stress, pain management, and chronic diseases.
A0162501 Human Thought 3 "This course discusses the issues of human thought and civilization, especially the Eastern and Arab-Islamic civilizations, with a focus on the elements of differentiation, unity, interaction and communication between them, and on the intellectual and material gains that they have achieved and contributed to the development of human consciousness and human life. The course starts from a comprehensive view of human thought and civilization, stressing the unity of the mind and human nature.
A0162101 The art of writing and Expression 3 Basic introductions: Expression, concept, types, language arts: Oratory, debate, dialogue, lecture, seminar; writing, art; types of writing: functional, creative; general and common principles among types of prose writing (national and creative); dimensions of writing; organizing the topic into its elements: introduction, presentation, conclusion; Colors of functional writing: Message; Academic biography; Announcement, Minutes, Research, Summary; Colors of creative writing: Story, Article, Artistic biography.
A0162102 Taste the literary text 3 Various literary texts: poetic, prose, ancient, and modern. Studying them is an applied study and focusing on addressing the structure and vision when studying each text to show its technical and content characteristics in order to reveal the general features of the literary genre to which it belongs. This course aims to break the barrier between students and literary texts and train them to Dealing with it and reading it critically and analytically.

Major Requirement - 90 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 84 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0131215 Induction to research the thuds in clinical Psychology 3 This course aims to introduce students to the basic approaches, concepts, issues, and research tools in psychology. The differences between epistemology, methodology, interpretation, understanding, problem definition, hypothesis, research designs, statistical analyzes for each design, and the role of inference in interpreting data. Various examples will be presented to help gain a better understanding of the specific research methods used in clinical psychology, such as the correlational method, the survey method, the case study, and others.
A0134112 Psychology of Refuge 3 The course covers the concept of asylum, its stages, the psychological changes accompanying each stage of asylum, and psychological interventions for the psychological effects resulting from each stage of asylum. It also places a focus on the mental health of refugees across various official classifications. The course examines methods of psychological assessment, diagnosis, and treatment in asylum contexts. It addresses cultural, gender, and age differences of refugees, as well as role of the clinical psychologist in asylum contexts and work contexts in organizations, institutions, and entities concerned with the mental health of refugees.
A0133413 Neuropsychology 3 The course includes a historical introduction to the development of neuropsychology, methods of studying the nervous system, neuroanatomy, disorders and diseases that affect the brain, functions of the cerebral cortex and parts of the brain, and clinical neuropsychology.
A0131211 Descriptive Statistics 3 It covers an introduction to descriptive statistics and deals with methods for selecting samples, methods for displaying primary data (frequency distributions and representing information graphically), measures of central tendency (means, median, mode, percentiles), measures of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, normal distribution), and T-score, Standard score and probabilities.
A0133313 Introduction to Personality Assessment 3 The course covers the concept of psychological assessment, application skills, correction, and interpretation of personality tests in the clinical field. It includes projective tests and objective tests for adults and children, as well as the psychometric properties of the tests.
A0134602 Practicum 12
A0132402 Positive Psychology 3 This course aims at focusing on people's strengths rather than their weaknesses. It includes an introduction to positive psychology and its research fields, scientific study of happiness, fundamental concepts, specific topics, research, interventions, realistic applications of positive psychology and practical experience and applying these concepts to real life.
A0132114 Psychology of Learning and Cognition 3 This course aims at focusing on the nature of learning and its significance to study and interpret human behavior. It also covers behavioral theories, cognitive theories that can be utilized to interpret learning (classical conditioning, trial-and-error learning, procedural learning, social learning, Gestalt theory, information processing model and Piaget?s theory of cognitive development). In addition, it also provides an overview of cognitive skills such as language, attention, thinking, decision-making and problem solving.
A0133311 Tests of Intelligence and cognitive abilities 3 The course covers individual and group intelligence tests, in exploring their applications, significance, and interpretation of results. It includes practical application training, and the preparation of diagnostic reports. This course also addresses other options for measuring mental abilities memory, language, attention, problem-solving, brain functions...
A0134512 Introduction to adult psychotherapy 3 In this course, the student will become acquainted with modern therapeutic theories and methods, exploring their application in the treatment of psychological disorders in adults. This includes cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, third-wave psychotherapy and other therapeutic methods. The course also provides room for practical application through practical groups during lectures and field visits to ensure effective training in therapeutic interventions.
A0132401 Social Psychology 3 This course deals with the concept of social psychology, its goals, importance, development, and its relationship with other disciplines. In addition, the focus of the course will be on research methods in social psychology, socialization, leadership psychology, social interaction, roles and group dynamics.
A0134511 Introduction to Child and adolescent psychotherapy 3 The course provides an introduction to psychotherapy for children and adolescents, including an introduction to the development of the concept of psychotherapy, its history and methods. Students will familiarize themselves with theories, its foundations, and methods of applying it to children and adolescents. It includes the following therapeutic schools: analytical, behavioral, cognitive, cognitive-behavioral, and modern waves in psychological treatments for children.
A0131111 Principles of Psychology 3 This course covers basic concepts in psychology. It also includes the history of psychology, with an emphasis on presenting relevant research methods, the nervous system, genes, learning and memory, growth and sensation, perception, motivation, social behavior, personality, psychological disorders and psychotherapy.
A0132411 Introduction to Psychological disorders in Children and Adolescents 3 This course is designed to cover psychological disorders of childhood and adolescence, including their types, nature, causes, classification, prevalence, diagnosis and treatment methods. It also addresses recent trends of interpretation processes, diagnosis and treatment of these disorders.
A0133111 Psychotraumatology 3 This course studies the traumatic contexts that an individual experiences in his life in general during his various developmental stages from childhood to old age. This course studies the types of trauma, its stages, and its psychological effects. It also addresses cultural and gender differences in trauma contexts. This course studies key concepts such as trauma, psychological stress, psychological hardiness, adaptation, loss... The course focuses on psychological treatments for trauma of all types, the age of the person affected, his gender, culture, psychological strategies aimed at preventing trauma, and post-traumatic psychological development.
A0133412 Introduction to adult psychological disorders 3 The course covers research methods in the field of psychological disorders and delves into psychological disorders that occur during adulthood. It explores the methods of studying these disorders, their nature, symptoms, prevalence rates, causes, classification, diagnosis and treatment methods. This course adopts an integrated approach to understanding and treating psychological disorders.
A0132301 Physiological Psychology 3 This course includes the major divisions of the nervous system and its composition (physiology of the body), the connection between the parts of the nervous system and how the behavior of living organisms changes over time. It also covers the physiology of sleep behavior, addiction, the senses, the endocrine system, learning, memory and psychological disorders.
A0134501 Clinical Psychology 3 The course focuses on the study of clinical psychology, its development and research methods. It covers methods of clinical assessment, clinical interviews, diagnosis, psychotherapy, personality assessment (intelligence, mental abilities, behavioral assessment...) with an expansion of various types of psychological treatments. The course also addresses related topics such as health psychology, neuropsychology in clinical practice.
A0133505 Psychosocial Support 3 The course covers the concept of psychosocial support and the contexts in which it is applied. It introduces the categories unvenerable to risks for whom psychosocial support programs are designed, including refugees, children, and women. This course also explores methods for conducting surveys and initial assessments to determine the need for psychosocial support. It also addresses the design methods, implementation and evaluation of psychosocial support programs.
A0132506 Principles of Counselling Psychology 3 The course encompasses the principles of counseling in the psychological field, its concept, the need for it, its development, and its relationship to other helping sciences such as psychotherapy. The concept explores the foundations upon which counseling relies, the needs of the counselors at different life stages, the key counseling theories and methodologies, as well as counseling skills and their applications.
A0132501 Psychology of Personality 3 This course includes the fundamental topics of personality psychology, alongside the relationship between them and individual differences, research methods of personality science, the history of personality psychology, methods of measuring personality, personality theories such as analytical, humanistic, psychodynamic, besides the relationship between these theories and human behavior and personality disorders.
A0133301 Experimental Psychology 3 This course covers specialized information about the foundations of experimental method and the characteristics that distinguish it from other research methods in psychology. It also includes an entire spectrum of the elements of the key experiment, namely, variables and their measurement, derivation and formulation of hypotheses, control strategies, experimental control, and various experimental designs. This course also provides an overview of psychology laboratory and how to conduct psychological experiments in controlled laboratory conditions and write a report in accordance with the standards of scientific methodology.
A0132211 Inferential Statistics 3 The course covers information on methods of analyzing data statistically and extracting relationships between various academic variables. It includes an introduction to research designs and methods of analyzing them statistically, with an emphasis on correlation coefficients, chi-square, an analysis of variance of all kinds, regression analysis, factor analysis, ?t? test, and the use of statistical packages in statistical analysis.
A0131112 Lifespan Developmental Psychology 3 This course addresses all stages of a lifespan including their physical, cognitive, emotional, social and moral aspects. It also covers theories interpreting the lifespan of development and methods of approaching them. It also includes topics related to the continuity of growth from the moment of fertilization until death, the importance of biological, psychological, social factors and their impact on human development.
A0132312 Introduction to Clinical Interview 3 The course aims at providing an overview of the significance of clinical interview in the field of clinical psychology, types of clinical interviews, skills of conducting a clinical interview such as establishing a friendly relationship, effective listening skills, the form of questions during an interview, exploring the case, setting goals, examining mental states, and formulating the case. It also covers a training process in therapeutic methods.

Elective Courses - 6 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0133411 Neurodevelopmental Disorders 3 The course aims to introduce disorders of neurodevelopmental origin. It covers learning disorders, hyperactivity, poor attention, and the spectrum of autism disorders, as well as a wide range of conditions and situations related to the developmental stage and the nervous system that impact behavior and cognitive processes. The course focuses on the direct and indirect causes of these disorders, the reason for their spread, classification, evaluation, diagnosis and therapeutic methods.
A0133507 Self-Care Practices 3 This course addresses the psychological contexts in which a person is exposed to direct or secondary psychological pressures and trauma as a result of practicing his profession. This course aims to provide students with practices that contribute to their self-care, ensuring their mental and physical health and the continuity of their ability to perform their roles with the competence expected of them. This course addresses practices such as stress management mechanisms such as relaxation, practices for living an active life, nutritional practices that contribute to mental and physical health, affirmative communication practices, anger control and management practices, compassion burnout management, how to set and manage boundaries, and other self-care practices.
A0132115 Cyberpsychology 3 The course explores the definition of cyber psychology and its most important theories. It introduces the concept of self and cyber identity, communication in the virtual world, influence in the social space, negative cyber effects, and issues in cyber psychology (electronic addiction, cybercrime, cyberterrorism, cyberbullying, cyberstalking and blackmail, electronic games, ... ), along with cyber psychological counseling.
A0134414 Clinical Heath Psychology 3 The course includes the study of psychological structures according to the biopsychosocial model. It focuses on mental health and physical health and their interaction with each other to produce a healthy or sick psychological and physical state. The role of psychological factors and physical factors in health or illness. It also addresses the role of the clinical psychologist in the medical fields and his contributions to physical and psychological health in order to come up with a comprehensive treatment plan for the patient, both physically and psychologically.
A0133504 Criminal Psychology 3 This course addresses a range of topics in the fields of criminal psychology and antisocial behavior. This course examines the contribution of psychology to analyzing the behavior of criminals, especially in terms of their background and motivations. The course also emphasizes the contribution of psychology in intervening in crime and treating criminals. The course also includes presenting some strategies and methods for preventing criminal behavior in general (among juveniles and adults). The course also allows the student to conduct some field visits and learn about some deviant behavioral problems in society.
A0134111 Ethical Issues in Clinical Psychology 3
A0133113 Contemporary Issues in clinical psychology 3 This course deals with topics that are prevalent at the present time, such as psychological stress, what it is, its sources, and the strategies and programs used to confront it, whether in children or adults. While addressing some societal issues that disturb society and leave psychological effects on all family members, especially children, and other issues such as addiction of all kinds and its effects on individuals and society.

Complementary Requirement - 9 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 9 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161200 Remedial English Language 3 Grammar: auxiliary verbs, tenses (past, present, future) Vocabulary: friendship, communication, IT, TV shows, media, houses, places description, compound nouns, free time activities, books and movies description, food, dinning out. Variety of skills: paragraph writing, verifying formal and informal letters, writing unofficial emails, ways of using punctuation, upper case letters and conjunctions, outlining main ideas and details, inferring conclusions and impeded meanings, determining author?s perspectives, presentations, argumentation and persuasion, agreeing and disagreeing expressions, making comparisons, narrating events, expressing opinions, making official phone calls, ordering food, correct pronunciation.
A0331700 Remedial Computer Skills 3 Introduction to basic computer hardware and software; copyrights; Windows operating system; Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power point, Access; Introduction to Internet.
A0161100 Remedial Arabic Language 3 Language level and definition, speaking and comprehension texts, syntax exercises, Nominal Sentence, safe feminine plural, safe masculine plural, singularity, auxiliaries, duality, numbers, subordinates, punctuations, morphological exercise, dictation issues, Nunnation.

Al-Ahliyya Amman University



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