Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering







University Requirement

Faculty Requirement

Major Requirement

Free Ellective

Complementary Requirement

Total Credit Hours

Complementary Requirement is not calcualted in total credit hours

University Requirement - 24 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 15 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161201 English Communication Skills 3 Grammar: question tags, modals, future forms, articles, adjectives, adverbs, if structures; vocabulary: relationships, work, activities, media, war, sport; writing skills: essay, notes, messages, application letters; basic and advanced reading skills; basic and advanced listening skills; verbal skills: oral presentations, arguments.
A0161301 National Education 3 Concepts and terms; Geography of Jordan; contemporary political history of Jordan; Jordanian Society; Jordanian constitutional and democratic life; Jordanian national institutions; challenges facing Jordan; threats to civic life: fanaticism, extremism, terrorism, violence; corruption: definitions, types, causes, impact, and prevention.
A0161101 Arabic Communication Skills 3 Language levels: phonological level, grammatical level, rhetorical level, orthographic level, comprehension and speaking; grammar exercises, nominal sentences, verbal sentences, kana and its sisters, Inna and its sisters, dual, masculine plural, feminine plural, indeclinable nouns, vocative, appositives; exercises in morphology, present participle, and past participle; spelling and punctuation, dictionaries, listening and speaking.
A0161112 Leadership and Societal Responsibility 1 This course deals with prominent titles related to leadership, such as: the meaning of leadership, the vocabulary that falls under the term, leadership styles, leadership and social responsibility, change management and strategies, building an effective team, the leader and managing diversity, how to discover future leaders and support them, and women leaders.
A0161401 Military Sciences 3 The establishment and development of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; the history of the Arab Legion; peacekeeping troops; preparing the nation for defense and liberation.
A0161113 Life Skills 1 This course deals with the vital interest of the individual on the individual and collective level. It is like a passport to the success of individuals and helps them understand their personal competencies. It discusses the meaning of skills, their levels, characteristics and importance, communication skill and communication, and trains them on self-skills such as the skill of time management, organizing and defining it, and providing examples of its fields of application and activities. carried out by the students themselves. It also deals with thinking skills, its importance, education, and forms such as problem-solving and decision-making as forms of complex thinking or its strategies. The course also deals with training students on methods of dialogue and exchange of views as an entry point to resolving differences and mitigating frictions when we witness the openness of societies, correct study skills, family success and conservatism.
A0161111 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1 Economic science definition: its objectives and the economic problem; The relation between the economic science and other sciences; Economic analysis methods; Production possibilities curve; National income accounts; Consumption; Investment; Saving; Unemployment; Inflation; Money and Banking; Financial and monetary policy and its role in dealing with the imbalanced economy through these policies; Economic development in terms of importance and objectives and economic planning to achieve such objectives; Demand and supply theory and consumer equilibrium; Cost and production theory; Producer equilibrium in different markets.

Elective Courses - 6 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161501 Islamic Culture 3 Definition of the culture, characteristics of the Islamic culture, Islamic culture and other cultures; the sources of Islamic culture: The Holy Quran, Sunna, the Arabic language, history of Islam; fields of Islamic culture: faith, worship, morals; challenges facing the Islamic culture: orientalism, globalization, secularism; young people and the impacts of foreign cultures, women and Islam, Islam and terrorism.
A0161701 History of Jordan and Palestine 3 The geography of Jordan and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine in ancient times, general historical look, Jordan, and Palestine in the Mamluk era, Jordan, and Palestine during the First World War (1914- 1918), Emirate of East Jordan (Transjordan), constitutional and legislative life in Jordan, Palestine under the British Mandate, and Jordanian-Palestinian relations, Jerusalem, historical status.
A0161703 Archaeology and Tourism in Jordan 3 Tourism definition; Classification of Tourism; The difference between tourist and other traveler?s concepts, Travel types, The definition of Archaeology and archaeological sites: Archaeological surveys and excavations; Documentation; Jordan through the ages; Components of tourism in Jordan; Elements of tourist attractions in Jordan: Archeological sites, Natural sites, Natural reserves, Forests; Tourist movement and types in Jordan; Economical impact of tourism in Jordan.
A0161601 Contemporary Issues 3 Identify the most important contemporary local, national and regional issues, the most prominent contemporary challenges and their questions from development, youth, extremism, globalization, culture and identity; Jerusalem and its central position, the Arab-Israeli conflict
A0161802 Development and Environment 3 The course provides awareness and insight into the environmental issue, its vocabulary, the human relationship with the ecosystem, and environmental hazards to avoid. It also works to develop students' understanding and awareness of basic ecological concepts, and to reinforce their attitudes and values, in order to practice solving environmental problems. And linking it to comprehensive development and its relationship to water, food and energy security.
A0411601 Legal Education and Human Rights 3 This course identifying the basic concepts of human rights in an analytical way, and then realistic clarify of the international & regional means dealing with human rights such as treaties, recommendations and international means that are in the process of formation, such imperative rules & customs, this course also address realistically the content of human rights and the rights of the first generation such as right of living. The second-generation rights such as the right to work and third-generation rights such as the right of environment. International ways to protect human rights in general. In addition, the extent to which the Jordanian constitution is compatible with international human rights standards.
A0161901 Media and Public Relations 3 The nexus between media and society in terms of the social, political, economic and cultural power of the media, the role of the media in giving people the opportunity to express their opinions and promote international relations. Communication and public relations, communication and its types, levels, forms, properties, fields, activities, physical and nonphysical (symbolic) environment, and obstacles to the communicative process. Public relations: its beginnings, development, principles, bases, importance, functions, planning, activities.

Elective Courses - 3 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0871103 Principles of Renewable Energy 3 Introduction to renewable Energy include Photovoltaic, Wind power, Micro hydropower, Biomass energy, Waste power, Solar thermal power, Geothermal power, Ocean energy (tidal, tide-flow and wave), Ocean energy (OTEC), , Comparison of characteristics and cost of renewables. How we can use the sun, wind, biomass, geothermal resources, and water to generate more sustainable energy. It explains the fundamentals of energy, including the transfer of energy, as well as the limitations of natural resources. Starting with solar power, the text illustrates how energy from the sun is transferred and stored; used for heating, cooling, and lighting; collected and concentrated; and converted into electricity
A1321100 Sport and Health 3 Defining health and fitness: physical education, health education; the cognitive, emotional, skill-oriented, and social goals of physical education; the history of physical education: ancient, medieval, and modern ages, the Olympics, Athletics in Jordan: nutrition and exercising; athletic injuries: bone, joint , muscle, skin injuries; special exercises for figure deformation; diseases related to lack of exercise: diabetes, obesity, being underweight, back pain, cancer; hooliganism: causes and recommended solutions for hooliganism.
A0591111 Digital Literacy 3 Digital Literacy is a concept that describes how technology and the Internet are shaping the way people interact and how they affect us as individuals and as a society. This course educate students on the uses of digital technologies, the dangers of digital technology and the need to build a culture of ethical use of the Internet and introduce the concept of responsible freedom.
A0612303 Society Health 3 The course aims to provide students with the basic principles that enhance the concept of health and health prevention in its various physical, psychological and social aspects. The student will also be provided with information that helps individuals realize their health needs in the context of the culture and values ??systems they live in and how to meet these needs, which is known as improving health and quality of life.
A0161602 Critical Thinking Skills 3 The concept of critical thinking, its components; characteristics of critical thinking individuals; Critical thinking skills: the skill of interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, expectation, prediction; Stages of critical thinking: Motivation, searching for information, linking information, evaluation, expression, and integration

Faculty Requirement - 37 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 37 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0833101 Numerical Analysis 3 General numerical methods: equation solving via iteration, interpolation; numerical integration, and numerical differentiation; numerical methods in linear algebra, Gauss elimination, least squares method, numerical methods for differential equations.
A0111203 General Physics Lab. 1 A laboratory courses for Engineers covering the fundamental principles of physics to reinforce physics concepts through experimental approaches and applying basic measurement techniques in order to help students to understand phenomena related to his study and encounter in his daily life using. Experimental error and data analysis, Measurements, Force Table, Newton?s Second Law, Friction, Motion in One and Two Dimensions, Work and Energy, Simple Harmonic Motion (Simple Pendulum), Simple Harmonic Motion (Spring Mass system) Ohm?s Law, and Kirchhoff?s Law.
A0111201 General Physics (1) 3 Introduction to Physics; Measurement and standards; Physical quantities; Vectors Addition and multiplication of vectors; Motion in straight line: displacement velocity, acceleration , finding the motion of an object, free fall, and vertical jumping; Motion in two dimensions Projectile in Biomechanics; Newton?s laws: Static C.G., Levers in the body, muscles and, and jaws of animals; Collisions
A0111301 General Chemistry 3 "Chemistry and the atomic/ molecular view of matter; scientific measurements elements compounds, and the periodic table; the mole and stoichiometry; molecular view of reactions in aqueous solutions: doublereplacement reaction, redox reaction the quantum mechanical atom: electron configuration, properties of elements; basics of chemical bonding: ionic bonds, covalent bonds, intermolecular forces; chemical kinetics: rates laws; acids and bases: strong acids, weak acids, buffers. "
A0111101 Mathematics (1) 3 Introduction to Calculus; The rate of change of a function; Limits; Derivatives of algebraic functions and their applications; Integration; Application of the definite integral.
A0112101 Linear Algebra 3 Systems of linear equations: Homogeneous and non-homogeneous systems ; Matrices: operations on matrices ; Determinants: Operations on Determinates ; Vector spaces ; Method for solving systems of linear equations: Case study ; Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors ; Error norms of vector and matrix ; Applications using software packages.
A0832101 Differential Equations 3 Different methods of solving ordinary differential equations of first, second and higher-order DEs. Using Laplace transform and Power series method for solving Des. Modeling of some engineering, physical, and social problems will be given.
A0831201 Engineering Drawing 2 Use of instruments; lettering; Drawing of basic views and projection method; orthographic; isometric drawing and sketching; sectional views; computer aided design applications using AutoCAD (2D & 3D) in all engineering aspects.
A0851201 Computer Skills (Engineering) 3 The Basic Concepts of Programming using C++ language: C++ Programming; Controls Structures; Functions; Arrays; Pointers; An introduction to Classes and Objects.
A0851202 Engineering Workshop 1 Workplace safety and use of tools; basic skills of measurements; basic skills of hand filing, welding, carpentry, sheet metal fabrication, and household electric circuits.
A0111202 General Physics (2) 3 The course includes: electric charge and electric field, Gauss?s law, electric potential, capacitance and dielectrics, current, resistance, and electromotive force, magnetic field, and magnetic forces, sources of magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, inductance, alternating current, electromagnetic waves.
A0111102 Mathematics (2) 3 The course includes: Applications of the Definite Integral; Techniques of Integration; Hyperbolic Functions; Inverse Trigonometric Functions; Improper Integrals; Polar coordinates and its applications; Taylor?s Formula; Sequences and Infinite Series and Applications with Emphasis on engineering models
A0832102 Engineering Statistics 3 Applications of statistics in engineering; Introduction to descriptive statistics, presentation and treatment of data; introduction to probability theory and probability distribution (discrete and continuous); counting techniques; sampling theory; statistical estimation; statistical hypothesis testing; correlation; finding regression equations and regression analysis.
A0852201 Communication Skills and Ethics 3 "Basics of Communication Skills: Communication Process, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, Barriers to Communication; Listening Skills, Types of Listening, Speaking Skills: Strategies for Developing Speaking Skills, types of Speaking, Effective Presentation Strategies; Reading Skills: Reading Techniques, Reading Comprehension; Writing Skills: Attributes of Technical Writing, Benefits of Technical Writing, Types of Writing, Research Papers, Technical Reports, Job Application.

Major Requirement - 62 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 53 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0844204 Industrial and Applied Robotics 3 Introduction to robotic manipulator arms; types of joints; number of degrees of freedom; the concept of a workspace; review of dynamics; basic knowledge in industrial robotics where theory is applied on industrial applied problems; create models for analysis, simulation and programming; create solutions on problems which focus on efficient use of robots in industry
A0845302 Graduation Project (1) 1 Students will start their project by performing an extensive literature review about a particular problem in the field. Students are expected to follow a clear time frame and submit all required forms and documents towards the end of this stage.
A0845303 Graduation Project (2) 2 At this stage students are expected to investigate possible solutions to a problem, and to present the results in writing, verbally and in action. For assessment, students submit regular reports of their progress, and give in-person presentations and demonstrations of their work.
A0843103 Sensors and Actuators 3 Measurement system and its characteristics; signal conditioning signal processing and software; physical principles of sensing; principles, classifications, and design of sensors, general specifications of sensors; types of sensors (resistive, inductive, magnetic, ultrasonic, chemical, and optical); actuators, types and characteristics of actuators; control technologies, measurement systems modelling and control of actuators, simulation, analysis and design; smart sensors and its applications in measurement and control systems.
A0843104 Sensors and Actuators Lab. 1 Introduction to measurement and control systems; sensing principles; experiments on resistive, capacitive, proximity, acceleration, torque, pressure, electromagnetic, and optical sensing elements; introduction to actuators; experiments on electromechanical, electromagnetic, pneumatic, and hydraulic actuators; linear and PWM actuators; brushed and brushless DC motors, stepper motors, and servos.
A0843105 Communication Systems 3 Review of Fourier transforms; spectra, filters, and Hilbert transform; analog modulation techniques: AM, FM, and PM; band-pass noise representation: noise performance of analog modulation; FDM; Nyquist criteria; matched filter and noise performance; inter symbol interference (ISI) and ways to address this problem; binary band-pass transmission: BASK, BFSK, BPSK, and DPSK; geometric representation of signals: orthogonal signals, correlation receivers and signal constellations; M-ary band-pass digital transmission: ASK, PSK, FSK, and QAM; noise performance and bandwidth efficiency; synchronization.
A0842201 Statics and Strength of Materials 3 Force vectors, force system and resultants, equilibrium, structural analysis, geometric properties and distributed Loadings, internal Loadings, stress and strain, mechanical properties of materials, axial load, torsion, bending, transverse shear, combined loadings, stress and strain transformations, design of beams, buckling of Columns.
A0842202 Mechanical Design and Modeling 3 This course enables students to develop basic spatial skill by using a solid modelling system. Students develop skills in interpreting and visualising 3D objects in 2D format. They create and assemble solid model representation of machine components and create 2D engineering drawings from solid models. Students develop advanced technical sketching skills to aid communication in engineering design.
A0842204 Computer Aided Design Lab. 1 Mechanical engineering drawing conventions and abbreviations, various systems of size description, including precision dimensioning, fastening elements, standard organization and preparation of engineering drawings, assembly and detailed drawings, design applications using AutoCAD and Solidworks softwares.
A0844103 Deep Learning and Computer Vision 3 This course introduces deep learning, a subfield of machine learning concerned with the creation and application of neural networks. Algorithms for extracting high-level data representations are provided. Image classification, time series prediction, text orientation, natural language translation, speech recognition, and deep reinforcement learning are among the topics addressed in the course. Students learn how to build a variety of deep neural networks using application software interfaces such as TensorFlow and Keras, including convolutional neural networks (CNN), recurrent neural networks (RNN), self-organizing maps (SOM), generating adversarial networks (GANs), and long memory range networks (LSTM).
A0844101 Machine Learning 3 This an introductory course that gives and overview of many concepts, techniques, and algorithms in machine learning, beginning with topics such as classification and linear regression and ending up with more recent topics such as statistical pattern recognition, boosting, supervised and unsupervised learning, support vector machines, neural networks, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian networks.
A0843203 Computer Applications in Artificial Intelligence 1 A collection of practical assignments that are integrated with and reinforce course concepts. Each of these is briefly mentioned in the course and is covered in detail in a separate technical report. In weekly laboratory sessions, the student applies it personally based on his ability. The Python and Matlab programming languages are used to design, implement, and manage distributed data processing and data management. The learner will learn how to create an efficient data architecture and how to expedite data processing
A0844203 Digital Control Lab 1 Open-Loop and Closed-Loop of Analog and Digital Control Systems; Servomechanism Principles; Transient Response; Closed-Loop Position and Velocity Control Systems; The Effect of Gain, PI, PD, and PID Controls on System Performance; Control Systems for First and second order differential equations; Frequency Response Measurements; Analogue Computer Simulation of Control Systems; Implementation using microcontrollers.
A0843101 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 Concepts, representations and use of elementary data structures: pointers, arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, graphs, trees, heaps and hash tables. Asymptotic complexity analysis. Divide and Conquer design and analysis. Binary Search. Recurrences Methods. Sort algorithms: selection sort, merge sort, quick sort, radix sort. Greedy Algorithms. Shortest Path algorithms. Breadth and Depth First Search. P and NP problems.
A0843202 Robotics 3 Fundamentals of modeling, design, planning and control of robotics systems. Presenting of relevant engineering sciences such as statics, dynamics, control, design and programming.
A0844201 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems 3 Fundamentals of fluid mechanics. Fluid kinematics. Bernoulli equation. Mass, energy, and momentum principles, The basic knowledge concerned with structure, modelling, and principles of the performance, function, and applications of all hydraulic and pneumatic components (valves; pumps; motors and cylinders). Design and control of hydraulic, electro-hydraulic, pneumatic, and electro- pneumatic circuits. Design of electro-hydraulic and electro- pneumatic systems, and application of digital logic and PLC to fluid power systems.
A0845202 Robotics Lab. 1 Open-loop control, with different types of hardware/motion (mobility, manipulation); Closed-loop control and sensor processing, with different types of sensors. Application of various AI techniques.
A0845201 Mobile Robotics 3 An introduction to the design and implementation of intelligent mobile robot systems; the fundamental elements of mobile robot systems from a computational viewpoint; ssues such as software control architectures, sensor interpretation, map building and navigation will be covered.
A0845301 Field Training 3 Students will be trained at companies or organizations (private or public) for a period of at least 280 hours without interruption. Field training should cover one of the different fields of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
A0842203 Dynamics and Mechanics of Machines 3 Kinematics of particles; Rectilinear and curvilinear motion in various coordinate systems. Kinetics of particles; Newton?s second law, Central force motion, Work-energy equation, Principle of impulse and momentum, Impact, Conservation of energy. Kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies; Relative velocity and acceleration. Kinematics of mechanisms, vector method of analysis of plane mechanisms. Static and dynamic analysis of machines, inertia forces, Static and dynamic balancing, balancing machines. Dynamics and balancing of reciprocating engines. Flywheels. Kinematics and dynamics of cams and gears mechanisms. Elements of mechanical vibrations.
A0844202 Digital Control 3 Sampling and signal reconstruction; signal analysis and data filtering; z-transform; practical aspects of system identification and digital control; discretization of systems; response and stability analysis of discrete systems; State space representation of discrete systems; controller design methods (digital pole placement, digital PID, etc.); Realization of digital controllers; Applications to real life control systems.

Elective Courses - 9 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0845204 Humanoid Robotic Systems 3
A0845304 Special Topics in Robotics 3
A0874301 Power Electronics 3 General introduction; Power semiconductor Switches: Features, Characteristics and Classification of Diodes, Transistor, Thyristor and others; Quality Assessment and Parameters of AC & DC Waveform; Single-Phase and Three-Phase Rectifier Circuits; Uncontrolled, Fully-Controlled, and Semi-Controlled Converters; AC/AC Converters (AC Voltage Regulators); DC/DC Converters (DC Choppers); DC/AC Converters (Inverters); Applications of Power Electronics.
A0845101 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning 3
A0845203 Modern Control Systems 3
A0854303 Digital Signal Processing 3 Sampling and aliasing; review of discrete time signals and systems; z-transform and its application to the analysis of LTI systems; digital signal processing (DSP) using MATLAB; discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT); frequency response of LTI systems; discrete Fourier transform (DFT); structures for FIR and IIR filters; introduction to the design of digital filters; applications of DSP: speech processing and image processing.
A0845305 Special Topics in AI 3
A0845103 Internet of Things 3
A0834401 Data Mining and Pattern Recognition 3 This course is focuses on collecting data and extraction of useful information from them. It explains methods used in: data visualization, data analysis and uncertainty. It gives an overview of data mining algorithms, models and patterns, it includes generative methods such as those based on Bayes decision theory and related techniques of parameter estimation and density estimation.

Free Ellective - 37 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 37 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0852304 Electronics Lab 1 Diode characteristics: clipping and clamping circuits, half-wave and full-wave rectification,Zener diode, and voltage regulation; BJT characteristics and biasing circuits; FET characteristics and biasing circuits; transistor amplifiers;frequency response of single-stage and multi-stage transistor amplifiers,transfer characteristics of cascade amplifier;differential amplifier;operational amplifiers and applications; oscillators; passive and active filters.
A0872304 Electric Circuits Lab. 1 DC Circuits: Kirchoff?s Voltage and Current Laws, Network theorems, Maximum Power Transfer; Transient Circuits: RL, RC, RLC; Resonant Circuits; Magnetically Coupled Circuits; Two-Port Networks.
A0854701 Communications and Computer Networks 3 Uses and classification of computer networks, Multiple access methods Layered network structure, OSI and TCP/IP Reference models, Network standardization, Physical layer, Basic definitions related to digital data transmission, Functions of data link layer: Framing, Flow control, Error control, HDLC, SLIP and PPP protocols, MAC sub layer, Repeaters, LAN, MAN and WAN protocols, Bridges, Routers, Gateways and introduction to routing algorithms
A0853101 Probability and Random Processes 3 Introductionto probability and random variables; statistics of random variable; random process; periodicity and stationary; variance and autocorrelation function; power spectral density; filtering of random processes; Gaussian process: noise, narrow band random process.
A0853305 Signals and Systems 3 Classification of signals, basic concepts of sampling, basic continuous-time and discrete-time signals;signal processing using MATLAB; classification of systems, properties of continuous-time LTI systems, proprieties of discrete-time LTI systems, convolution processes, Laplace transform, transfer function; Fourier series; Fourier transform and applications, power spectral density, frequency response.
A0853502 Microprocessors and Embedded systems lab 1 This lab Identifying internal structure and operation of the Microprocessor intel 8086/8088 and microcontroller PIC 16F877A , Design methodology for software for each (Intel 8086&PIC16F877A)
A0852303 Electronics 3 Introduction to Electronics; Semiconductors: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Electrical Properties of Semiconductors, Diffusion Process in Semiconductors; The PN Junction Diode: Forward, Reverse Biased Junction, V/I Static Characteristics, Diode Types: Zener, LED, and Photodiode; Diode Applications: Rectification, Clipper, and Clamper Circuits, Voltage Multipliers; Bipolar Junction Transistors: CB and CE Characteristics, DC Biasing and Analysis; BJT Applications: BJT as a Switch, and Amplifier; Field-Effect Transistor: V/I Characteristics of JFET and MOSFET, DC Biasing and Analysis; Biasing of Transistor (BJT and FET); Single-Stage Amplifier; Cascaded BJT and FET Amplifiers; Composite Transistor Stages; Operational Amplifiers and Applications; Differential Amplifier; Operational Amplifier Architectures; Frequency Response of Amplifiers; Negative-Feedback Amplifiers.
A0853501 Microprocessors and Embedded systems 3 Introduction to microprocessor and microcomputer; the 8086/8088 microprocessors and their architecture; addressing modes; instruction set; programming the microprocessor using assembly languages; introduction to embedded systems; introducing PIC 16 series: architecture overview of PIC16F84A, the 16F84A memory; building assembly programs: introduction to assemblers, PIC 16 Series instruction set; parallel ports; interrupts; counters and timers.
A0872303 Electrical Circuits 3 "Introduction to electrical engineering. Fundamentals of electric circuits,
A0853201 Engineering economy and management 3 Engineering Project Development; Decision Making; Basic Concepts of Capital Investment: Formulas and Applications, Rates of Return, Economic Feasibility of Projects (Net Future Value, Net Present Value, and Equivalent Uniform Cash Flow); Comparison of Mutually Exclusive Proposals; Benefit-Cost Ratio Method; Depreciation; Corporate Taxation; Resource Allocation. basics of engineering mangment ,planing and organization of engineering project ,and project time schulding and mangment
A0873501 Machines and Electrical Power 3 Principles of electromagnetic circuit; single-phase transformers: ideal practical transformer, equivalent circuit, auto-transformer; three-phase transformer: types, connection; AC machinery fundamentals: principle of work, rotating magnetic field; three phase induction motors: principle of work, properties an performance, starting, speed control; synchronous machines: construction, internal generated voltage, equivalent circuit; operation modes: alone, parallel; synchronous motors: steady state operation, starting.
A0852301 Digital Logic Circuits 3 Numbering System and Information Representation: Arithmetic Operations, Decimal and Alphanumeric Codes, Binary Logic; Boolean Algebra: Identities, Functions and Manipulation, Standard Forms, Simplification, Logic Gates, , Integrated Circuits; Combinational Logic Design: Circuits (Gate Level), Design Hierarchy and Procedures, Computer-Aided Design, Combinational Two-Level and Multi-Level Implementations, Arithmetic (Add, Subtract, Multiply) and Other Popular Modules (Multiplexers, Encoders, Decoders); Sequential Logic Design: Latches, Flip-Flops, State Machine Design and Minimization (Mealy Digital and Moore Models); Design Problems.
A0874501 Control Systems 3 Concept of Control Systems; Open-loop and Closed-loop Systems; Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems; Transfer Function and System Modeling Diagrams; Response Characteristics of Control Systems; Specifications of System Performance; Stability Analysis of Linear Control Systems; Routh?s Stability Criterion; Time-domain Analysis of Control Systems; Design of Controllers and Compensators.
A0852302 Digital Logic Circuits Lab. 1 The Digital Logic Circuits laboratory develops students with the ability of identifying the digital logic gates and combinational logic circuits such as adders, decoders. Students are also conducting experiment with memory elements (flip-flops) and sequential logic circuits
A0852601 Object Oriented Programming 3 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming; Classes; Objects; Strings; Control Statements; Methods Arrays; Parameter Passing, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and an Introduction to The Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Complementary Requirement - 9 Credit Hours:

Compulsory Courses - 9 Credit Hours

Course Code Course Name Credit hours Description
A0161200 Remedial English Language 3 Grammar: auxiliary verbs, tenses (past, present, future) Vocabulary: friendship, communication, IT, TV shows, media, houses, places description, compound nouns, free time activities, books and movies description, food, dinning out. Variety of skills: paragraph writing, verifying formal and informal letters, writing unofficial emails, ways of using punctuation, upper case letters and conjunctions, outlining main ideas and details, inferring conclusions and impeded meanings, determining author?s perspectives, presentations, argumentation and persuasion, agreeing and disagreeing expressions, making comparisons, narrating events, expressing opinions, making official phone calls, ordering food, correct pronunciation.
A0331700 Remedial Computer Skills 3 Introduction to basic computer hardware and software; copyrights; Windows operating system; Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power point, Access; Introduction to Internet.
A0161100 Remedial Arabic Language 3 Language level and definition, speaking and comprehension texts, syntax exercises, Nominal Sentence, safe feminine plural, safe masculine plural, singularity, auxiliaries, duality, numbers, subordinates, punctuations, morphological exercise, dictation issues, Nunnation.

Al-Ahliyya Amman University



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