A global smart university with a sustainable knowledge environment that supports innovation.
To offer quality academic programs accredited locally and internationally by using the latest methods of teaching & learning to prepare cadres capable of competition and leadership. Our mission is to invest in applied technical scientific research in partnership with the pioneers in various industries to meet the requirements of sustainable community development within a smart knowledge environment that supports creativity and innovation.
Core Values
- Integrity: Honesty and mutual trust between the University and all concerned parties.
- Transparency: Openness, clarity and objectivity in all aspects of work.
- Belonging & citizenship: Deepening belonging to the homeland among members of the academic & administrative staffs and students.
- Diversity: Accepting students, appointing members of the academic & administrative staffs and dealing with all parties without discrimination on any basis.
- Social Responsibility: Interacting with the community by providing distinguished services.
- Cooperation: Encouraging effective teamwork in the university environment.
- Justice: Achieving justice in dealing with the affairs of the academic & administrative staffs and students.
- Accountability: Accepting and taking responsibility for actions, decisions and policies related to the administration of the University and governance and applying them within the powers assigned to each of the employees in the University, each according to his/her position.