The Teaching and Learning Center provide consultations with subject matter experts on pedagogy and teaching strategies. TLC provide assistance to academic departments, faculties, and specialized centers on a variety of topics related to curriculum, course development, learning outcomes assessment etc.
A. Course-level Consultations:
Teaching Consultations: Provide consultation with SME in design or re/design a course according to the innovative pedagogical approaches to improve the teaching and learning experience at AAU.
Classroom Observation: As part of the consultation process, upon request an expert member from TLC could observe you in action in your class, and provide you with the feedbacks.
Open Classrooms: It is really great to see your peers who excels in teaching in action. TLC periodically conducts the opportunity to participate in the live lectures by the distinguished lecturers to observe them.
B. Program-level Consultations
- Revise program level learning goals
- Design learning and pedagogy across curriculum
- Get feedback from students on curriculum and learning experience
- Conduct analysis to identify updating the course
- Evaluate effectiveness of curricular change
- Plan for Academic Program Review